A Historical Journey through Bisexuality


Jojo Ming

Bisexuality, a sexual orientation characterized by attraction to both genders, has a long and complex history that often remains hidden in the shadows of the more widely discussed concepts of sexual orientation. Throughout history, bisexuality has been both acknowledged and marginalized, reflecting shifts in societal norms, cultural beliefs, and individual experiences. In this article, we embark on a historical exploration of bisexuality, shedding light on its evolution, challenges, and contributions to the broader LGBTQ+ movement.

Ancient Cultures and Fluid Desires

The concept of bisexuality is not a modern invention; it can be traced back to ancient civilizations. In cultures such as ancient Greece and Rome, bisexuality was more fluidly accepted and even celebrated. It was common for individuals to have both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships without the rigid labels that define sexual orientation today. Greek philosopher Sappho, renowned for her lyrical poetry celebrating the love between women, is often cited as an early example of bisexuality’s historical presence.

Religious and Moral Shifts

As societal structures evolved and religious beliefs took firmer hold, attitudes toward bisexuality shifted. Many religious institutions began to emphasize heteronormativity and binary gender roles, contributing to the marginalization of bisexuality. The dual attraction that defines bisexuality didn’t fit neatly into the narrative of these societies, leading to erasure and stigmatization.

The Modern Concept and Visibility

The modern understanding of bisexuality as a distinct sexual orientation began to take shape in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Pioneering sexologists like Sigmund Freud explored the complexities of human sexuality and acknowledged the existence of individuals who experienced attraction to both sexes. However, bisexuality still faced skepticism and often remained overshadowed by discussions of homosexuality.

Challenges and Misunderstanding

Throughout the 20th century, bisexuality continued to face challenges related to misunderstanding and invisibility. Bisexual individuals often found themselves navigating a world that demanded they choose a single identity, either heterosexual or homosexual, erasing the nuances of their attraction. This phenomenon, known as « bisexual erasure, » left many feeling marginalized and invalidated.

Moreover, bisexuality became the subject of harmful stereotypes, with some individuals wrongly perceiving bisexuality as a phase or a form of indecision. These stereotypes undermined the legitimacy of bisexuality as a valid and stable sexual orientation.

The LGBTQ+ Movement and Bisexual Visibility

The emergence of the LGBTQ+ movement in the late 20th century provided an opportunity for bisexual individuals to gain visibility and recognition. The Stonewall riots of 1969, often considered the catalyst for the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement, united people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities in their fight for equality.

Bisexual activists began to challenge the erasure and misconceptions surrounding bisexuality. The creation of specific organizations and events for bisexual individuals, such as BiNet USA and Celebrate Bisexuality Day, played a significant role in raising awareness and fostering a sense of community.

Bisexual Identities and Inclusivity

The evolving conversation around sexuality has led to the acknowledgment of the diverse ways in which individuals experience and express bisexuality. Some people identify as pansexual, which expands beyond the binary concept of gender, or use other terms to reflect the complexity of their attractions. This acknowledgment underscores the importance of creating an inclusive space where all identities are respected.

Championing Intersectionality

The experiences of bisexual individuals are not monolithic; they intersect with other aspects of identity, such as race, ethnicity, gender, and class. Bisexual people of color, for instance, may face unique challenges stemming from the intersection of their sexual orientation and racial identity. Recognizing and addressing these intersections is crucial for building a more comprehensive understanding of bisexuality.

Looking Ahead: Empowerment and Advocacy

Today, the visibility and recognition of bisexuality continue to grow, and the movement for bisexual rights remains strong. Bisexual activists and allies strive to dismantle stereotypes, challenge erasure, and foster inclusivity within both LGBTQ+ spaces and society at large.

It’s essential to acknowledge that the progress made toward the acceptance of bisexuality is not uniform across all cultures and communities. In some places, bisexuality still faces considerable stigma, discrimination, and legal challenges.


The history of bisexuality is one of complexity, resilience, and evolution. From ancient cultures where fluid desires were accepted to modern times when bisexuality seeks its rightful place in the LGBTQ+ movement, bisexual individuals have navigated a journey marked by both challenges and triumphs.

As society continues to evolve, it is incumbent upon us to challenge stereotypes, recognize the diversity within the bisexual community, and create spaces where all sexual orientations and gender identities are celebrated and respected. The history of bisexuality is a testament to the power of human authenticity and the ongoing quest for understanding and acceptance.