Russian TV offers gay people one-way tickets to leave

A Russian religious television channel is offering to pay for one-way plane tickets for gay people serious about emigrating from the country.

In a video on its social media channels this week, Tsargrad TV called on gay people to compete for a one-way plane ticket overseas.

« Just recently, California – the most liberal state in the USA by the way – proposed to facilitate the granting of green cards to Russian perverts, » said TV host Andrei Afanasyev.

The channel regularly uses offensive terms to refer to LGBT people.

« The staff of Tsargrad TV support this initiative. Moreover, we are ready to pay for a one-way ticket to anyone who plans to emigrate in complete earnest, and can provide a medical certificate proving that they are sodomites or have other forms of perversion, » he added.

« We really want you to move there, where you can openly submit to your sins. »

The channel insisted it was not trolling users and that it « wants to do good ».

But a Russian sexologist speaking to the lifestyle website Afisha Daily said it was unlikely anyone would be able to obtain the required medical certificate, as sexual orientation was not considered a disease.

Russia’s Fox News

Tsargrad is a niche satellite channel that was set up to promote Christian Orthodox values.

Its name means Constantinople – some indication of its religious and political outlook – and it claims an audience of about a quarter of the Russian population.

Its founder, Konstantin Malofeev is a prominent businessman who vocally supports President Vladimir Putin. He has said he views it as the equivalent of America’s Fox News channel.

Tsargrad frequently criticises Western countries for « low morals ».

Tsargrad « savages »

A few people have expressed their interest in taking up the offer, though it is unclear how serious they are.

« It looks like my winning ticket to get out of this frigging country. What should I submit? » asked one.

A large majority of people responding to the video were indignant, calling the channel’s staff « savages » and vowing to block it from their feeds.

A few, however, agreed with it: « I support Tsargrad. Let gays go to their USA. We have our own values in Russia, Orthodox one. Godly ones, » said one user.

Gay Globe Media

Gay Globe Media