‘Vomit,’ and Five Other Things Pat Robertson Has Said About Gays

Time Swampland

A Vomit button for photos of gays — that’s what televangelist Pat Robertson now wants to see on Facebook. His statement, made today on his popular television program The 700 Club, is just the latest in his decades-long anti-gay tirade, and should come as no shock from the man who thinks wife beating should be legal and who thinks a man can divorce his wife if she gets too sick. Today’s program also included his interpretation of an ancient Old Testament passage that the land will vomit out gays because homosexuality is an abomination to God.

Robertson is a conservative pastor who founded the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and who ran for U.S. President in 1988. Nearly 1 million people watch his show The 700 Club every day, according to CBN, and it is carried on ABC Family cable network, FamilyNet, Trinity Broadcasting Network and numerous local U.S. television stations.

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