British TV channel censured for Boy George comments


World National
©World National / Roger-Luc Chayer

British TV channel censured for Boy George comments

LONDON(Reuters) – A frank discussion of homosexuality by pop star Boy George on a TV talk show earned a reprimand Monday from the Independent Television Commission (ITC).

The Frank Skinner show, broadcast in November on commercial station LWT, carried a warning about its graphic content, but the ITC ruled the advisory was insufficient and called Boy George’s comments outrageous.

« The ITC did feel that the unrelenting sexual nature of the whole Boy George interview, and one or two of the references in particular, had gone beyond the limits of the code, » the ruling said.

The ITC acts as the content watchdog of commercial television channels and issues broadcast licenses in Britain.

Boy George’s sexual remarks prompted 23 complaints from the public, but 17 other complaints over jokes about Afghanistan and the Taliban were not upheld.

LWT said it apologized for any offence caused by the show.

« His sexuality and his candid and sometimes outrageous disclosures have been talking points for 20 years, and we believed we’d prepared viewers for his revelations on the show, » a statement from the company said.


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