Editorial 109 Gay Globe Magazine

By Roger-Luc Chayer, translated by Robert Frank

By now, everyone must be asking “Why does the cover of Issue 109 of our magazine feature the Pope?” With sublime ambiguity and subtlety, the Pope at once embodies both the world’s most outworn religious doctrine (Islamic State doesn’t count—it’s not a religion) and, at his best, more openness than has ever been on offer—albeit merely words, for the time being at least.

The Pope heads a church that baptizes millions of men and women without their consent as infants and thence imposes its own rules, morality and lifestyle without any consultation whatsoever.

It’s a paradox with which the Pope must now grapple in terms of frontline issues like gay rights, marriage, abortion and adoption. Will he succeed in his lifetime in fully admitting LGBT members to the Church, or will old-guard views prevail? That’s the challenge that he faces.

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