Mother Stabs Son To Death For Being Gay


A mother in Brazil has confessed to stabbing her teenage son to death because of his sexuality.

The attack occurred on Christmas Eve as Tatiana Lozano Pereira, 32, and her 17-year-old son Itaberli Lozano were returning home after having a heated argument. Once they entered the house, the boy was ambushed by Pereira and two men she’d hired to assault him.



Though the original plan was to bruise him up to “teach him a lesson” about being gay, halfway through the beating, Pereira ordered the men to kill him. When they refused, she took a kitchen knife and stabbed him herself, according to local news sources.

The 32-year-old mother told police that after he was dead, she removed the body from the house with the help of her husband, the boy’s stepfather. They took it to a nearby cane field where they burned it.



The young boy’s charred remains were discovered on January 7. During her first interrogation, Pereira reportedly confessed her part in the crime, naming the two men she’d hired. Her husband was charged for aiding in the disposal of the body.

According to several family members, including the boy’s uncle, Pereira had long rejected her son for his sexuality.

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