Some Predict Backlash for Gay Support


World National
©World National / Roger-Luc Chayer

Some Predict Backlash for Gay Support

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – Supporters of Howard Dean’s presidential campaign will be celebrating Saturday’s third anniversary of his signing of the nation’s only law giving gay partners the same legal rights as married couples. The loudest cheering, though, might come from Republicans.

Dean, a former Vermont governor, is touting his signing of the civil unions law. His campaign is helping organize more than 50 fund-raisers at the homes of supporters across the country Saturday to celebrate the anniversary, with Dean making conference calls to the guests.

Several of Dean’s rivals for the Democratic nomination also are speaking out in support of increased rights and acceptance of gays. But many Republicans say strong support for gays will backfire in the general election and help President Bush (newsweb sites) win more conservative and southern states.

Richard White, a Republican state senator from Mississippi, said any candidate talking about gay rights might as well not even visit his state.

« The people down here, they are not going to put up with that kind of stuff, » White said. « We’re not prepared for all that in Mississippi or anywhere else in the southern states. »

The public has mixed feelings about homosexual acts, recent polls suggest. While a majority feels such acts should not be illegal, a majority does feel that such acts are immoral.

When Sen. Rick Santorum (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., compared homosexuality to bigamy, polygamy, incest and adultery in an interview with The Associated Press this week, Bush remained silent while the Democratic presidential candidates roundly denounced his remarks.

Declaring support for gay rights draws applause from liberal audiences along the Democratic primary campaign trail. Sen. Joe Lieberman (newsweb sites) of Connecticut, arguably the most moderate of the field, sought to appeal to members of the liberal Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (newsweb sites) by playing up his support of a bill that would extend benefits to partners of gay federal employees.

Three other candidates — Sen. John Kerry (news, bio, voting record) of Massachusetts, Rep. Dick Gephardt (newsweb sites) of Missouri and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (news, bio,voting record) of Ohio — were co-sponsors of the legislation last year.

But Dean has the strongest gay rights credentials thanks to signing the civil unions law.

« I feel like most people. If they know anything about him, that’s what they know, » said 26-year-old Josh Kruskol, who is having 30 to 50 friends over Saturday night for wine, dessert and a pitch to support the Dean campaign.

Dean said he opposes the « don’t ask, don’t tell » policy that allows gays to serve in the military as long as they keep their sexual orientation private and do not engage in homosexual acts. He said that if elected president, he would approach Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff about changing the policy.

He also said he would recognize civil unions at the federal level, extending rights to homosexual couples under tax law, immigration law and other federal policies.

« It seems to me the fair thing to do, and I think most Americans are fair-minded, » Dean said. « So I can’t wait to engage the Republicans on that issue. »

The opposition research on Dean posted on the Republican National Committee (newsweb sites)’s web site leads off by declaring that he is « ultraliberal on civil unions. » And some Democrats say Dean will hurt himself in the South with his outspoken support for gay rights. Darryl Tattrie, chief financial officer of the Kentucky Democratic Party, said he personally supports civil unions, but he doesn’t think it would be a winning issue in his state.

« I don’t think voters in Kentucky would be for that, » he said. « It’s the way folks are raised. »

Dean says he won’t back down on the issue anywhere.

« It’ll be harder in the South, but let’s not forget that there are a lot of southern folks who are suffering in the Bush economy and who need better health care and better education for their kids, too, » he said.

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