Gay Globe Media
I am an avid reader for a few years and I notice that in each edition, there are texts that interest me a lot. I would miss editions # 163 and earlier. Would you have these editions in stock S.V.P.
(Luc V., Montreal, Rosemont)
Unfortunately Luc, we do not keep in stock the previous editions, except when they are very recent and those for our files. There are two possibilities, however. Either you consult the complete editions PDF at or you go to the National Archives of Canada or to the National Archives of Quebec which have all the previous editions, in paper version.
(Roger-Luc Chayer, publisher)
Hello, being a client of a Montreal sauna, I saw a reprehensible act occur during my last visit on January 22nd. A young man, about 22 years old, emptied some of the condom and lubricant dispensers to fill his backpack and left immediately afterwards. I find that this kind of flight is expensive for the establishment and I wanted to denounce it.
(Mario C., Laval)
Hello Mario, it’s all about perspective, you know. What you describe to me as a robbery seems to me the opposite. Put yourself in this youngster’s place for a moment. He may be a student, unemployed, or simply can not afford condoms / lubricants, and what he has done is simply to make a reservation for his life outside the sauna. This young person did exactly what was needed and what we all want in society. He has taken the means to protect himself and others. It certainly did not steal since the two products in question are offered free of charge in Quebec saunas. I salute the responsible behavior of this young person and invite you to think about this perspective.
(Roger-Luc Chayer, publisher)
In response to our questions sent to Ville-Marie borough in September 2018 and to our article on the erasure of our LGBT colors published in the October 2018 edition, Mrs. Miriam Gagnon of the Office of Mayor Valérie Plante answered us this, January 23, 2019: « Mr. Chayer, First of all, I apologize for the delay in responding. I would like to come back to you regarding the erasure of the colors of the rainbow flag on the pavement of Sainte-Catherine Street East, at the intersection of Champlain Street. This marking was authorized as part of the Gay Pride festival last August. As is the case in all authorizations
of events and festivals, ground markings are permitted by order and must be erased at the end of the event. If you have specific questions on this subject, do not hesitate to contact me directly. »
On February 1, 2019, we answered with this question: « In addition to the question, the markings of Amherst and Ste-Catherine corner as well as Papineau and Ste-Cath have remained, for what reason? » And since, no reply. Not only did the explanation ignore the markings left on certain street corners, it still did not explain the situation. We will try to get back to you with an answer in 2019 !!!!
Hello, totally agree with you for Freddy Mercury, although I liked him a lot, because he did not support the cause of AIDS, but Pope Francis who has hidden all cases of pedophilia is commendable? Vladimir Putin, this bandit and thief of his people and accomplice of Donald Trump, that’s also commendable? And finally, Elizabeth II, what did she do for Quebec? I, the kingship, I would do without it very easily for what it gives, apart from a misplaced snobbery!
(Lise L., Montreal)
Hi Lise, I think your comment follows your visit to our magazine archives and you comment on some covers ( You seem to express your deep disagreement with our character choices on the covers as you interpret their presence as a tribute. I think you should read the editorials that present the reasons for their presence before criticizing like that … The Pope (# 109) made the cover of Gay Globe to denounce his contradictory positions on LGBT, Vladimir Putin ( # 96) did it to denounce his policies against LGBT, even comparing him to a new Hitler, Trump was to try to open his eyes to his anti-gay speech and the Queen, (# 103 ), for his strong positions on LGBT rights at the 2013 Commonwealth Conference.
As I regularly explain in these pages, the covers are dedicated to people who have a positive or negative impact on all of our communities. You are certainly entitled to your opinion about the Sovereign, but I recommend that you read the editorials before you believe that we can honor Trump, Putin or the Sultan of Brunei … We are still not quite stupid. (Roger-Luc Chayer, publisher)